Telecommuting is on the rise. Increasingly, work is something people do rather than a place people go. As a result, more and more work is being done on laptops, smartphones, and tablets. According to a Cisco study on the international workplace, the mobile workforce is now business-as-usual for enterprises around the world. Some 32-percent of employees globally now rely on more than one mobile device during the typical workday.

The mobile workforce trend poses new challenges for many companies, including field worker efficiency, productivity, and accountability. FieldWorkMobility is attempting to tackle this by offering a smartphone driven mobile CRM as well as a cloud dashboard for tracking, that empower an organization’s field workforce.

This solution not only measures the field workforce's productivity, but also helps in geo-tracking individuals from the centralized office. mJobForce, a product of FieldWorkMobility, integrates Salesforce Task Management and enables companies with Salesforce to effectively download and upload contacts and accounts, as well as manage leads and tasks. 

Check out the infographic below for much more on today's telecommuting and mobile trends.

mobile infographic


Shilpi_facebook new-1Shilpi Agarwal is a Visual Content and Demand Generation Strategist, and Founder of Social Strategi, an integrated digital marketing agency. "Social Nirvana through Visual Content" is her mantra.



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