Helping to kick off Dreamforce ‘13 Monday, November 18th was the AppExchange Partner Keynote. The session featured executives and customers speaking to industry ISVs, app providers, and entrepreneurs on the tremendous value of Salesforce’s AppExchange. The application marketplace is where enterprises of all sizes and in every industry can download business apps.

More than 400 new applications have been added to the AppExchange in 2013, including 90-plus new industry apps. As of October of this year, the AppExchange’s 2,000 apps and two million installs has generated $1 billion in revenue and that is just the beginning.

Here are three current happenings in this booming enterprise application marketplace:

1. There is a need for better apps

Some 63% of Salesforce customers are using at least one AppExchange app. And 23% are using more than five apps. These customers include small businesses all they way up to Fortune 100 companies. Customers want to run their business on the Salesforce Platform and they want industry specific apps that will dramatically benefit their enterprise.

2. If you win the user, you win the deal

User have high expectations in their personal and business lives when it comes to applications. They want apps that are simple to learn, easy to get addicted to, and offer the same experience on all devices. When wooing users, give them the option to try before they buy. If they offer feedback, take it into strong consideration as you build and release new iterations. 

3. The best app is going to win

Enterprises and users are meeting in a new space and the fact of the matter is that the best app is going to come out on top. Not the app from the biggest company, but the best app. The number one app on the AppExchange comes from leveleleven, a company of just 12 employees.


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