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More than two thirds of employees say they would work harder if they were better recognized. With the Salesforce release of Winter 14, sales organization can now leverage the powerful and robust employee recognition process from, all within Salesforce. Create a collaborative culture where feedback and recognition are constantly given in real time.


Why Recognition?

Appreciated workers make great employees, but while 53% of management felt their company was above average at appreciation, only 23% of employees felt the same way. With on Salesforce, easily align and motivate employees around company goals. Here are three ways to do it.


1. Recognize with Badges

Recognize employees through on Salesforce with ten predefined badges readily available. From “Teacher” to “Competition Crusher” these badges exemplify popular, positive aspects of employees. You can also create your own personalized badges to bring out your company culture.


2. Gamify Performance with Amazon Real Rewards

Everybody loves some extra spending money. on Salesforce allows you to attach Amazon Real Rewards to badges. takes nothing off the top, and the process is as easy as purchasing Amazon Real Rewards online and then transferring the codes into Salesforce. Once the rewards have been copied and their dollar value assigned, you can append them to existing badges or create a new one.  

Adding Amazon Rewards to badges is a great way to gamify performance in an organization. Remember, it doesn’t need to be much to make a difference.


3. Build Reputation with Rewards

Badges become instantly recognizable by their image, enhancing users profiles and building their reputations. The badge image can be anything: Your favorite movie character, a colorful rainbow, or a wacky duck. Badge images exemplify your company culture and makes givingbadges that muchmore fun. Simply upload you favorite image in thebadge builder and you’re good to go.

Here at Salesforce we have a fun and wacky culture. Our badges embody this with images that include: Bob Ross, Top Gun, Wookiee, and many more.


In a survey conducted by the consulting firm McKinsey, sales reps value “praise and commendation” over any other reward – including bonuses. Make it happen with on Salesforce.