Organized Workspace
Start with an Organized Workspace

Sales momentum. How do you get it? How do you know it’s there? How do you keep it going? What do you do when it’s lost?

Do you know what a smart-selling rep looks like in action? Test yourself on your Smart Sales Visual IQ:

Rep #1 is sitting at their desk with everything super neat and tidy. They don’t have any tools open, the phone is almost out of reach, there’s nothing to write notes on, and there’s nothing to drink nearby.

Rep #2 is sitting upright. They are wearing their phone's head-set and their mobile phone is nearby. They have two monitors with all of their Salesforce apps and tools open. They are prepared with a task list of who to call, and a nearby white board is filled with target accounts they want to penetrate for the quarter. While they are dialing out, they already are prepared with email templates they will use to their call, and research they will incorporate to hold their weight on the call. When they finally get a “live one,” they’re prepared to start talking on point. They maximize their time and eventually get an appointment.

Which rep is the smart seller? You know the answer.

You don’t wake up one day and miraculously find yourself with momentum. Here are five tips sales managers can use to help their reps create strong call momentum:

1. Organize the workspace

A well-organized work environment has a lot to do with creating call momentum. If you don’t have everything you need at hand, your momentum is doomed from the start. Get your workspace prepared for business before you even sit down.

2. Momentum = Longevity

Momentum must also be sustained over a reasonable period of time. You cannot establish real momentum if you spend less than one hour calling. This means you must sit for at least 60 minutes and really concentrate on your calls.

3. Stay focused

Reps need to say no to distractions and get in the zone and stay there when making calls. This mental commitment will get greater results, so encourage your sales reps to get focused before they start calling. Make it a priority, even if you have to fight your own office space —workplace distractions are at an all-time high. The open-space selling environment in particular creates more distractions and less privacy. In fact, there has been a notable decrease in office productivity since 2008, which is leading to the comeback of the cubicle.

4. Create comfort

Sitting for hours in one place is much easier if that space is comfortable. Make sure your reps’ desk and chair are ergonomic, the phone is within reach, the monitor is the right height, and double monitors are well set up. Food fuel is super-important, so snacks and drinks should be nearby, not down the hall.

5. Use your sales superhero as a role model

Get your seating chart out and make sure you look at where your team members are sitting. Ideally, you want them sitting next to your sales superhero — the one whose sales buzz is viral, vast, and potent. Success is inspiring!

Josiane Feigon, author of Smart Sales Manager and the best-selling Smart Selling on the Phone and Online, is a pioneer, maverick, and visionary in the inside sales community. A 20-year veteran of the industry, she is the founder of TeleSmart Communications. Since 1994, this San Francisco-based solutions provider has been a leader in developing inside sales teams and managers. Josiane is recognized among the Top 25 Most Influential Inside Sales Professionals and as a leading expert on inside sales team and management talent. Her thought leadership blog is ranked in the Top 50 Sales by blogs by SalesCrunch. Connect with her on Twitter and YouTube.


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