In a previous post, 5 Essential Traits of a Sales Champion, we covered some important traits of those salespeople with a success-leading attitude, including:

  • Happily engaging in conversation
  • Lending a helping hand
  • Creatively solving problems
  • Committing to follow through
  • Delivering a rockstar presentation

As important as these points are, there are many other ways for sales professionals to adopt a game-changing mental outlook. Here are four more tips to help build that perfect sales attitude.

1. Respect for Prices, Products, and Prospects

This could be looked at in two ways. First, a sales champion will not promise what cannot be delivered in terms of product capability, implementation timelines, or pricing to name a few examples. Secondly, consider how you convey value in your presentation and through the rapport you’ve built. If you’ve created a respectful yet solid rapport, aligned your vision with your customer’s needs, and conveyed the strengths of your product offerings, your customer should reciprocate with an equal amount of respect.

2. Hang in There Under Pressure

Even when a certain level of respect exists between salespeople and prospects, champions are able to maintain composure and self-confidence to envision their success. Visualizing the path to success is a powerful method for facing moments of high pressure. Sometimes, the customer will reveal that they had a lower budget than expected, or their legal department will take much longer to go through a contract, meaning that internal deadlines won’t be met. In these scenarios lie perfect opportunities for strategically reinforcing specific elements of value. For example, if your client is looking to slash down the price of a deal, enrich the message of your pitch by focusing on the benefits of your product or solution versus your competitors.

3. Self-Motivation

People often refer to selling as a “roller-coaster” with countless ups and downs. Having a strong mindset can be very difficult, so learning how to stay consistently motivated is vital. A sales champion stays hungry for more success, beating previous accomplishments. In addition, setting new objectives can add even more spice to the game, by augmenting the possibility of new accomplishments, successfully executing new methods and techniques, or coming up with a truly compelling and creative use case for a company that had been cold for a long time.

It’s also important to remember why you are passionate about selling. Salespeople are a truly special breed and they know how to use pressure to their advantage.

4. Continuous Skill Development 

One thing that keeps many people motivated is the continuous refinement of their skills. Although this is just as much a champion’s attribute as it is an element of self-motivation, I think it deserves its own place on this list.

The sales game has been around forever, and it keeps changing, giving rise to new selling techniques, technologies or even to the psychology of customers. In our digital world, online interactions and content are great sources of networks and ideas to improve your sales game. Information, seminars, forums and people are more accessible than they have ever been, and for a sales champion and innovator, staying up-to-date is not optional. No matter how good you think you are, you must want to get better.

There can be incredible energy being transmitted in selling space. Sales champions know how to absorb this great energy and take what they can from others’ experiences.

Finally, an essential element to help with developing your skills is the presence of good habits. The key to continuous improvement is to ritualize good habits by finding a reward behind them. Then, all good things become much simpler to maintain.

Do you have the right sales personality and attitude? from Salesforce