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Across Silicon Valley and beyond, developers and engineers are embracing a new method of building software known as “agile.”

Rather than locking themselves up in seclusion for months or years only to emerge with a product nobody wants — remember the Apple Newton — agile developers crowd-source opinions on product ideas when they’re small, malleable, and early, allowing them to be pruned and finessed before they go too far in the wrong direction.

It makes a lot of sense — and begs the question: Why can’t we apply the same approach to the way we develop talent? Why can’t we provide our people with ongoing feedback on their performance — instead of “batching it up” once or twice a year in a dreaded performance review — so they can improve in real time?

To learn how to apply agile thinking to talent development, read my post in Forbes.

This post is part of The Future of Work, a series exploring the changing nature of work through articles, interactive media, and social discussion.