Brad Gross owns the  consulting firm Information Logistics which specializes in consulting for small and mid-sized businesses. He has been active in the community since 2001 as an admin and a consultant.

Brad gross

Because Brad is a consultant he has a lot of experience with AppExchange apps and he's always on the look out for apps that will give his clients the most bang for their buck. Here are his top 3 picks--without a kickback in sight.


GridBuddy: Multi-Object Editable Views

GridBuddy allows users who work with large volumes of records to manage this information en masse.  The user can edit, update and create records in rapid fashion.  It follows your security settings while still allowing fast access to many records.


NetDocuments: Document Management and Collaboration

We have many clients who manage large volumes of files for each customer. NetDocuments allows for easy management, storage and searching of these files and allows clients access to these document stores in a controlled manner. What we really like is the ability to auto-sort and manage these documents--the system really helps you manage the document folder structure


Drawloop: LOOP Document Services

Create Word, Powerpoint, or Excel files and save them as PDF's or natively. Send those files into Content or Content Delivery automatically. There is just so much that DrawLoop can do!  It wins the award for impact.