Customers across every generation are more demanding, more discerning and more connected than ever. In our latest State of Connected Customer Report we asked 8,000 consumers and business buyers what they expect from the companies and brands they interact with – here’s what they told us.

Make no mistake, customers are calling the shots. And 84% of them say the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services – up from 80% last year.

So, businesses that want to win customers and keep them loyal need a strategic and comprehensive approach to customer engagement.

And there’s great opportunity for the businesses that can get this right – while 73% of customers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations, just 51% say companies actually do. 

That gap is ripe for the picking. 

Download our latest State of the Connected Customer research – with insights from more than 8000 consumers and business buyers, it’s the quickest way to see how you can transform customer experience.