Corey Snow was all energy amid the hustle and bustle of the Salesforce lobby on a recent afternoon. Cerebral yet jovial, the Harvard University Solution Architect and Salesforce MVP was in from Cambridge on a mission: to change the way humans experience education.
“Every important change that’s ever happened in society has been enabled by a small number of really passionate people who are willing to take risks, says Snow. “This is never done from the center. It’s always done from the fringes by the changemakers and the folks who encourage each other.”
He explains that our current education system, which typically ends at age 22, won’t serve people in the Fourth Industrial Revolution where continuous, ambient learning is essential. A true Trailblazer, he is combining his knowledge in CRM technology and a beginner’s mindset to help his 400-year-old employer and industry-at-large get there.
“If you have a growth mindset, you need technology to scaffold that growth,” says Snow.
Erica Kuhl, Vice President of Trailblazer Community at Salesforce, was excited to catch up with Corey and hear what’s on his mind. Follow their conversation here:
— Erica Kuhl (@ericakuhl) May 2, 2019
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