New research shows that workforce development is more important than ever. The Salesforce online learning platform Trailhead has helped more than 1.2 million people skill up for the increasing technological demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

And now myTrailhead, the new learning experience platform Salesforce just unveiled at World Tour Sydney, empowers companies to customize that learning experience — their way.



In focus groups, executives had two questions about the new learning platform. They wanted to know why they should invest in workplace learning, and they wanted to know how it works.

First, the data showing why businesses should invest in learning:

  • 96% of people say companies are responsible for preparing the existing workforce for technology's impact on jobs, Salesforce research shows.
  • Yet just 7% of employees think their companies are completely prepared for technology's impact on jobs.
  • And just to bring home how crucial an environment of continuous learning can be, consider that 70% of hiring managers believe workforce development programs increase employee productivity.

If you want to keep pace with changes in the workforce of the future, you need to encourage learning all the time. But how?

MyTrailhead is customizable and can help employers create a culture of learning in their workforce by using their content, their branding, and their logos. That’s the “my” in myTrailhead.

Companies can easily pull in their existing content (including videos or presentations), create custom new content or use the existing free, public Trailhead content to create their own culture of learning.

Harnessing Trailhead’s engaging, gamified learning experience helps to supercharge productivity by providing new skills in a way that’s enjoyable and memorable.

And unlike some traditional workplace development programs, employees can learn what they want, when they want – whether it’s tech skills from Trailhead or custom content from their employer.

Learn more about myTrailhead.