BlackBerry has gone through a major digital transformation. Once known as a consumer device company, BlackBerry is now an enterprise software and services company focused on securing and managing IoT endpoints that make up the Enterprise of Things (EoT). As part of our digital shift, we've simplified our technology ecosystem, eliminated old legacy on-prem services, and made the move to Salesforce.
Salesforce accelerated this transformation, moving us toward streamlined processes and a 360-degree view of our customers. When we first made the move to Salesforce, the majority of our team didn't have Salesforce expertise.
Luckily, Trailhead launched shortly after we went live. From the beginning, we used Trailhead as a tool to train employees, developers, and admins on the Salesforce Platform. Today, we continue to leverage Trailhead at every stage of an employee's career at BlackBerry.
We want to ensure that our employees can get up and running on Salesforce seamlessly. Trailhead has been a game changer for this. It's the first stop for new employees, regardless of their background or role.
Most new employees start with the Developer Beginner and Admin Beginner trails. Once they've got their feet wet, the Developer Intermediate and Admin Intermediate trails tend to be a great next step. We've also created customized trailmixes for our own essential Salesforce learning program that we use for onboarding new team members.
Even once employees are up and running at BlackBerry, we continue to encourage a culture of ongoing learning with Trailhead. Our employees use Trailhead to keep up to speed with Salesforce innovation and to build their expertise on the platform.
For example, as a Senior App Developer at BlackBerry, I really saw value in the Salesforce CPQ Basics module to get myself up to speed with BlackBerry's instance of CPQ. Another feature of Trailhead we've found to be incredibly valuable for our employees is the learning modules on topics beyond the Salesforce platform, like GDPR, GitHub, and even soft skills like public speaking.
As our admins and developers master Salesforce skills, they use Trailhead to prepare for Salesforce certification exams. Superbadges have proven to be an important tool for our employees as they show that you can take what you've learned and apply it to real-world scenarios—demonstrating a mastery in that skill. Currently, I am working through the prerequisites to get my Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadge in order to complete my Salesforce Platform Developer II certification.
Every year, BlackBerry recruits interns or co-ops to come work at our headquarters for the summer. The co-ops come to us to hone their skills in preparation for entering the workforce. Trailhead has helped us to completely transform the co-op program.
On day one, co-ops start with an extensive set of trailmixes as a first step towards owning a summer project. Throughout the program, they continue to use Trailhead to learn in-demand Salesforce and tech skills. By the end of the summer, our co-ops have acquired a vast array of new skills from Trailhead and are better set for the job market. We have a number of co-ops who complete the program with a Salesforce-related job offer in hand!
Looking to get your organization trailblazing together? Learn more with our Top Tips for Driving Trailhead Adoption. Good news, there's a trailmix for that, too! Check out Get Your Company Started With Trailhead.