The Communications market is undergoing massive change. It's a market where Communications Service Providers (CSP's) are actively taking on transformational projects to better serve their customers. TMForum estimates that 92% of CSP's are starting to work on transformations but it is still really early in the process. They note that the latest round of change is being driven by the need for stronger customer relationships, business agility, and operational efficiency. Network coverage and speed alone aren't enough to beat the competition anymore.

To keep winning, CSP's need to deliver the best overall customer experience, maximize lead conversion online, and increase prospect conversion by optimizing every touch in the customer journey. Here's a sneak peek of key topics we will be covering at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona , February 26th - March 1st, that will help CSP's as they start their customer transformations. We hope to see you there!

1. Learn how the Salesforce market leading CRM can help you transform your entire front office operation and create simple, frictionless experiences for your customers. Unifying the prospect journey, gives consumers a seamless experience that allows for optimal conversion across channels, whether it be online or in-store. Find out how, here!

2. Discover how Salesforce's agile cloud platform and its partner ecosystem can accelerate your pace of innovation, empower you to launch new business models and services faster than ever, and ultimately reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

3. Experience first hand how Salesforce Einstein can inject the power of artificial intelligence into all of your lines of business (marketing, sales, ordering, customer service, etc.), enabling you to become predictive and proactive. Join us as our CMO, Simon Mulchay will be speaking on the panel AI Giants, discussing how to innovate customer service and drive productivity within organizations.

4. Hear about the business results that service providers such as T-Mobile USA, TELUS and Virgin Media were able to generate by partnering with Salesforce, including:

  • Increasing lead conversion rates and revenue
  • Reducing the cost to serve
  • Driving NPS and loyalty and reducing churn
  • Accelerating time to market of new services, offers and business models

5. Identify new joint go to market opportunities where you can partner with Salesforce and enrich the value proposition you offer to your business customers.

Interested in learning more on the insights into the expectations of today’s mobile and cable subscribers? Check out our Connected Subscriber Report which surveyed over 2,000 people to find out what consumers are expecting of todays' communications service providers (CSPs)!