This month’s Salesforce Woman of the Month honoree is an undeniable expert at squeezing the most out of her day, from sunup to sundown. Please join me in congratulating Lacie Noe, Senior Account Executive and mom of two, on being recognized by her colleagues from across the #SalesforceOhana.

Based in Atlanta, Lacie joined Salesforce just one year ago, after 10 years in mobility sales, and she’s been crushing it ever since. But, for Lacie, being a rockstar saleswoman doesn’t look like your usual “nine to five,” so we sat down to hear her inside tips for creating a schedule that works, embracing the latest technology, and finding the time to get involved.


1. Keep a routine.

My morning routine is crucial to getting my day started right. I keep it simple with a few things that help energize me for the day. Here’s how my morning goes:

  • Give thanks. I wake up early and before my feet hit the floor I see the sign next to my bed that says “be thankful,” so I am reminded to take a moment to give thanks for my health, my job, my family, and the craziness that lies ahead!
  • Drink a hot cup of coffee. I didn’t realize how much I cherished hot coffee until after I had my kids. Now I have a ritual to enjoy a cup before the kids wake up (and before the coffee gets cold!).
  • Do a little reading. Okay, so this one doesn’t always happen, but I do try to squeeze in Chatter updates, news, Twitter, or blogs when I can. And only if it’s something that I find educational or valuable. Lately, I’ve found that reading a physical book keeps me from getting distracted by something else on my phone.
  • Spend time with my kids. Before I head off to work, I help my kids get ready and sit down to have breakfast with them. I try to spend an hour with them every morning and something always happens to delay getting out the door - but it’s worth it to have that dedicated time with my family.


2. Remain flexible.

Putting in the time at home and the office requires flexibility (and creativity!). The reality is, life with a family doesn’t always make the typical “nine to five” easy. So, I take advantage of the flexibility we have at Salesforce and find pockets of time throughout my day to squeeze in extra work - like early in the morning, on my stop-and-go commute (hands-free, of course!), or over lunch. I may show up to work later or be the first one to leave, but I work hard, get the job done, and make up the time when it works for me. I’ve realized, I’ll have guilt whether I’m the first to leave or my kids spend twelve hours at daycare - so I’ve made peace with doing my very best.


3. Embrace technology.

Quip. Lightning. Salesforce Inbox. I use them all! The latest and greatest can sometimes come with a learning curve, but I’ve found that our technology tools just continue to make my life easier and easier. So, I embrace them to the fullest - I even use Quip in my personal life! And using Salesforce Inbox exclusively has been a real game-changer for me. I’m a Salesforce and Quip fan girl, so feel free to geek out with me and share your own tips and tricks.


4. Get involved.

Personally, I felt called to join the Salesforce Women’s Network (SWN) because of my experiences prior to Salesforce. I was in a male-dominated industry and it wasn’t uncommon to hear negative comments about women in the workplace. So, when I saw what SWN was doing, I knew I had to find a way to get involved. I heard about the group trying to relaunch their Atlanta chapter, so I raised my hand to serve as president and I haven’t looked back since. SWN continues to provide opportunities for me to stretch my skills and meet amazing people from across the Ohana - I’m happy to call many of them friends and mentors. But even more than that, it’s just incredible to be part of something bigger and support an Ohana group that I see making a difference every day.

The Salesforce Woman of the Month campaign turns the spotlight on the amazing women who help make Salesforce one of the World’s Most Innovative Companies according to Forbes and one of Fortune Magazine’s Best Companies to Work For. Honorees are nominated by fellow employees and selected by a dedicated committee that works to ensure a variety of roles and regions are honored.

To hear more from Lacie, make sure to connect with her on LinkedIn. And stay tuned for our next edition of Salesforce Woman of the Month, coming your way in February.