There’s nothing like the end of one year and the beginning of another to get us thinking about change. Whether it’s resolving to ditch a bad habit, set a new goal, or otherwise improve our lives, the time is here to declare our New Year’s resolutions to friends and family — and, of course, on social media too.

New Year’s resolutions are great because they give us a renewed sense of purpose and direction. However, we all know that even our best efforts to get healthier and organized often get abandoned by the time February rolls around. That’s why we’re making this year all about career resolutions! Because no matter the role or profession, work is usually the area of our lives most conducive to goal setting (and achieving!).

So, before you hit the ground running in January, take a step back and take stock of what happened last year, and think about what you want to achieve in the year ahead. It’s all too easy to get stuck in execution mode at work and forget to use the lull between the holidays and the new year to set a course for success.

Our Trailblazers are thinking about this too. We asked them to share their career resolutions for 2018, and many of them responded with how they plan to use their Salesforce skills to further their learning, create new opportunities, and help those around them. Here are our top 5 picks for New Year’s resolutions for a couple bonus ones because we just couldn’t help ourselves. And if one of these speaks to you, click the image below to share on Twitter.


1. Get Salesforce Certified

Is 2018 the year to make it official? Whatever your role, earning a Salesforce credential shows that you have the ability to transform companies.

 Resolution #1 (Click to tweet)


2. Become a Trailhead Ranger

As the highest Trailblazer rank, to be a Ranger requires 100 badges and 50,000 points. Will you be tackling this in 2018?

Resolution #2 (Click to tweet


3. Attend Dreamforce 2018

Give yourself something to work toward. Some Trailblazers have already set their sights on attending Salesforce’s learning event of the year.

Resolution #3 (Click to tweet)


4. Blaze a Trail for Others:

As you’re out there achieving your goals, don’t forget about leaving a path for others to follow. It’s what the Trailblazer Community is all about.

Resolution #4 (Click to tweet)


5. Fight for Equality for All

Striving to make the world a better place is a lofty resolution, but totally achievable when you apply your Salesforce skills to a cause.

Resolution #5 (Click to tweet)


6. BONUS: Personal Enrichment

In order to be Trailblazers and achieve all these incredible goals, you can’t forget to take the time to care for yourself. That’s why — even though these aren’t necessarily career-related — we couldn’t leave them out. From traveling to accepting personal challenges, both are opportunities to grow and innovate, two things we love a lot over here at Salesforce.

Now it’s your turn. Tweet us your New Year’s career resolution using the hashtag #BlazingTrails. We want to hear if you agree with the ones above or are planning to tackle something totally different in 2018. Either way, we’ll be rooting for you along the way!