Navigating the complex eCommerce landscape can be daunting for B2B enterprises looking to digitally transform their business. However, it’s an investment that can’t be overlooked. Digital commerce will enable up to 27 percent of all B2B sales by 2020. The key to capitalizing on this enormous market opportunity is understanding the commerce platform landscape and identifying the right solution for you.

When it comes to choosing a platform, some businesses struggle between the decision to buy a system built specifically for B2B commerce (purpose-built) or custom build an application.

Building a custom solution to address one specific commerce need may seem like the quickest and more cost-effective approach. But these custom-builds are often hard to mature and costly to maintain as time progresses. A purpose-built solution, on the other hand, offers:

  • Expertise: Most B2B businesses lack the technical knowledge and skills necessary to build a commerce platform on their own. B2B sites are complex and without in-depth domain and industry-specific skills, it’s difficult to develop a site that maximizes sales and revenue. Systems built specifically for B2B commerce are designed by engineers with in-depth industry knowledge expertise. That means these platforms are created with B2B specific use cases in mind to drive real results without the need for costly customizations.
  • Scalability and flexibility: A custom-build is likely designed around current business and customer requirements, but are not built to handle any other needs that may arise. This means you’ll have to go back and retool your custom-build every time a new use case develops. Purpose-built solutions – especially those on Salesforce – allow you to easily adjust your commerce offering based on new customer and industry demands.
  • Support: Developer churn is a real issue – especially if it’s one of a few individuals involved in building your custom solution. For custom-builds, a developer leaving can put your entire solution at risk. A purpose-built solution, however, offers a larger support team comprised of experts who know the platform inside and out, minimizing the risk of developer churn.

When you look to begin your digital transformation, it’s important to look beyond your present needs. While a custom-built solution may seem appealing, it often isn’t built with the future in mind. A purpose-built solution, such as CloudCraze, allows you to begin generating revenue quickly while still offering the flexibility and scalability to meet any future industry or customer demands.

CloudCraze is the only purpose-built B2B commerce solution native to Salesforce. It allows businesses to deliver powerful B2B commerce experiences to customers on the most trusted cloud platform – Salesforce.

For more information on the buy vs. build dilemma, download our latest whitepaper, Buy or Build: The B2B Commerce Roadmap, today.