You can do absolutely everything right with your sales team and still fall far from beating your competition. You can hire the right people and develop the right training, but that doesn’t guarantee you’ll even keep up with the competition — or with your customer’s ever-evolving needs, for that matter. So what’s the missing ingredient? Technology that evolves at its own speed, also known as Artificial Intelligence.

We’ve talked a lot about how to plan for and integrate AI into your business. But were you really listening and learning? Let’s put that to test, or in this case quiz. In our 2-minute quiz, you’ll discover what you know — or don’t know — about the Science of Sales.

If you are the type who prefers to brush up before a quiz, here’s a quick study guide on what AI will do for modern sales.

Lead scoring

AI can look at interactions with marketing efforts to determine which prospects are most likely to buy at any given time. Sales reps get those prospects when they’ll do the most good, saving everybody time.


From sales calls to emails, sales and marketing activity yields data that AI can use to predict future sales behavior, open new territories, and guide follow-up sales.

Real-time feedback.

Rather than running reports every day or week, modern sales systems track the entire customer journey, removing blind spots that impede sales and team efficiency.


Through machine learning, AI sees patterns in our information that we miss, and can find redundancies and inefficiencies in our calendars and emails that makes the administrative work such a slog.

That’ll get you started. Now go forth and find out how your sales team measures up in the modern age of selling. Then tell us how you did!