SaaS companies are about to unleash technologies that will permanently disrupt the way we do business.

Imagine that your new iPhone suddenly develops a glitch. The screen freezes and the factory reset is not responding. It’s a frustrating scenario. You need your phone for your daily job, and you can’t wait a week for a replacement that may not include all of your existing contacts.

But what if iPhone installed a sensor that could auto detect the error? What if that sensor triggered a case file in Apple’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform? What if that sensor automatically routed the case to a customer service agent and included all of your customer information and purchase history? What if the agent had a contact center solution embedded into their Salesforce Service Cloud that included speech analytics? What if the Service Cloud manager deployed Salesforce’s AI, Einstein?

If the company used these technologies together:

  1. The phone could preemptively notify customer service without any action from you.

  2. An agent could use existing customer data to fulfill a replacement order and ship express.

  3. The customer service agent could call and notify you that they have shipped a replacement and speech analytics could capture your sentiment, record the call and store the information automatically in Service Cloud.

  4. If you expressed particular concerns during the call, the speech analytics program could detect emotional changes in your voice.

  5. Salesforce Einstein could amalgamate the information from past purchases and customer service cases with your current sentiment and deliver a prescriptive action (e.g. The customer expressed concern about shipping; past shipments took longer than a week. Therefore, the agent should prioritize the customer’s order for immediate delivery).

  6. You receive a same day replacement phone, only moments after you notice your phone has a glitch.

  7. The agent accesses your data stored in the cloud and ports your contacts from your old to your new phone.

In this example, all these technologies work in tandem to create a scenario in which agents help customers before they even know there is a problem. Consequently, the brand prevents a disgruntled customer and buffers its reputation as a customer first company. What would normally take a month takes a few hours – no hostile calls, no phone hold times, no sifting through files.

This is the future we are working towards. And it’s almost here. Loop in things like omni-channel, the ability to link email, phone and social media, and we’ll have an almost omnipotent system. And that’s just on the service side of business.

Inside sales reps also stand to benefit from these super synergies. The CRM files can interchange between sales and service. The sentiment analysis could indicate when customers are happy or hesitant to purchase. IoT tech could trigger opportunities for upsell. And the AI could prioritize leads based on likelihood to buy.

It is a business magic bullet that’s in its final stage. It will transform businesses forever. It will transform our lives forever, and it’s why NewVoiceMedia employees get out of bed. We’ve entered an enterprise ecosystem with trillions of dollars’ worth of potential, and we’ve buckled in for the next big thing.