It was so great experiencing Dreamforce with all of our #AwesomeAdmins! We wanted to share some of our favorite memories and highlights from our week with you.
The Admin Keynote was jam packed with important info for Admins, including awesome demos, product updates, and roadmap details! Whether you watched it or missed it, make sure to catch the recording and digest all the good stuff, no fluff! Check out keynote recording on YouTube.
The Admin Meadow was the destination for Admins at Dreamforce. Our area included:
Find more pictures on our Facebook page.
New this year, we introduced the Automation Station – a place to uplevel your Admin game by learning business analysis skills. Throughout the four days, automation station was open for business. With a different theme each day, Admins learned from the beginning, how to do discovery and understand the business needs, all the way to how to implement complex business processes using Salesforce tools. You can check out the great content from this experience in the Automation Station group on the Success Community.
There were so many great breakout sessions for Admins at #DF16! And we recorded them all! Stay tuned for links to all the recordings on the Dreamforce YouTube page.
We had a blast meeting new admins and catching up with admin veterans! THANK YOU for all that you do.
You made the Admin Meadow come to life by volunteering to staff our booths.
Admin volunteers staffing the welcome desk
You made the opening of the Admin Keynote unforgettable!
You are the original Trailblazers.
#AwesomeAdmin Zac Otero receives the golden trailblazer hoodie
As Marc Benioff said in his keynote, you are part of our Ohana. Thank you for joining us at Dreamforce i.e. our Family Reunion! We’re excited to see your new learnings come to life in new apps and automations for your company. Stay in touch by joining the community online.