Dreamforce is coming sooner than any of us can image. So, you’re excited, and we don’t blame you. So much to do, see, learn, and experience, and so little time. When you go to Dreamforce, you have two choices: Clone yourself, or create a Dreamforce strategy. Our tips only cover the second strategy—cloning is for the future.
Managing your agenda, and optimizing it for your personal goals is a major part of this strategy - so here are our tips for Agenda Management, and maximizing your time at Dreamforce.
Don’t pack your agenda to the gills! Leave space for downtime to mingle, relax, and enjoy. If you cram in too many sessions, you’ll burn out by day two. Instead, plan downtime to enjoy the Dreampark—a great place to chill in the sun and listen to music with your fellow attendees—or do whatever whatever else that helps you refill your tank.
So you planned for downtime, and still didn’t make it to everything on your checklist? Don’t panic—the majority of sessions are taped for your post-Dreamforce viewing pleasure. You can watch them on your couch, at home, while getting a foot massage (which you will need after getting all your steps in at the event).
No one is pleasant to be around when they’re hangry (hungry + angry), or when they’re dehydrated. Keep your friends and enjoy your sessions by making time to grab food and drink (on us!) during your busy day.
This isn’t the time or place to test your shoulder strength. This is Dreamforce, not your favorite gym. You’re here to be inspired by Tony Robbins, not compete with your personal trainer. Pack as light as you can, and leave unnecessary items in your hotel.
Want more tips to make the most of your time at Dreamforce? Check out Trailhead and our “Get Ready for Dreamforce” Trail.