Our Salesforce LIVE team teamed up with the Economist for a compelling five-part series on the future of work — and the people who are doing tomorrow’s jobs today. Between transforming old jobs to creating entirely new jobs altogether, these individuals are at the forefront of a new frontier. And who better to engage these forward-thinkers than Peter Schwartz, SVP Strategic Planning at Salesforce and our own company futurist?
In this installment in the series, Schwartz sits down with renowned business mogul and investor, Sir Richard Branson.
“There are millions and millions and millions of people who would love to become astronauts and go to space...and if we can make it affordable for people, and if we can make it safe for people, we can satisfy all their wishes and desires,” said Branson.
In short: space tourism. Learn how Branson and his Virgin Galactic team is helping make that dream a reality by watching the full interview below.
Want more? Check out the full Future Works series at the Economist, and see all Salesforce LIVE videos here.
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