Oh, you wearer of many hats
You resister of the status quo
You persister in the sea of adversity

Oh, you who never give up
For whom Sunday is the new Monday
And who works on your dreams when you're at work

Oh, you toiler who smiles in the rain
You disruptor and interrupter 
You optimism engine of innovation
You employer of millions
You payer of checks and maker of things

I tip my hat to you and your genius
Your passion for excellence
Your love of getting it done and done

I bow down to your foresight
To look beyond spreadsheets and sticky notes
To leave behind patchwork apps and email chains
To do more with less

For you have found the secret
To finding more minutes and hours and days
To finding the silver in slivers of clouds
To moving things through and beyond
To finding the focus that centers you
On what matters most

The partner, the collaborator, the force
That all business truly turns about:
Your Customer.

Yes, to you I toast and dedicate this ode
(Written on a train, by thumb, on my phone)
This ode to all that you do
And how much you do
Every day.

Thank you.