In this frantically fast-paced world we live in, setting aside 3–5 days for training seems an unthinkable and impossible task. We should stop to consider the questions that successful people all over the world have already thought through and overcome. Ideas like: “How will I advance my career if I continue doing what I’ve always done? What knowledge does my colleague, whom I’m up against for that promotion, have that I don’t even know about? How can I take better control over my own success and bring new ideas to my organization?”

Knowledge is the key. Thankfully we live in an environment where information is all around us. So much in fact, that it can be overwhelming to navigate when you aim to learn something on your own.

Self-taught learning is when you take it upon yourself to look through a range of content (YouTube videos, blog posts, news articles, and more) and curate the information that’s best for your specific needs. It’s good for people who are disciplined and self-motivated, and like to learn on their own time. While this approach can deliver huge value, there are also big benefits to learning from an engaged instructor in a dedicated classroom setting. 

Instructor-led training is when you go into a classroom, in person or virtually, and learn from an expert in the domain. If you’ve selected a reputable training provider, you’ll be led by a expert who not only has years of experience under their belt, but also has a team of master content developers who have helped create the content delivered in the class. That content, updated on a regular basis, will come in many forms, from your usual slide decks, to in-depth drills, exercise guides, practice exams, interactive activities, and engaging discussions that your instructor will lead to make sure you make the most of your time. The biggest benefits of instructor-led training are subjective, but we think that being taught by an expert, who is providing you their expertise and mentorship — along with a ton of content to take away with you and reference later — is pretty awesome.

Still not sure which route is best for you? Take a look at the instructor-led vs. self-taught training comparison chart below to read through the differences and benefits of both.

Interested in learning how to become a Salesforce expert through one of our instructor-led training classes taught by Salesforce University master instructors? Visit our catalog of courses at, or contact us here for a complimentary consultation and additional information.