You’ve implemented Salesforce for your higher ed institution but realized there’s still a whole lot left to do. This is where we found ourselves at the University of Miami at the end of our initial implementation a year ago. Empowered by the platform and with our users asking for more, we wanted to continue to build upon our implementation and share Salesforce with all those who needed it on campus.
The questions we asked ourselves were:
Our response was…Reach Out to the Higher Ed Community!
We put together a small committee within our organization and developed a set of key questions that would help us define the spectrum of implementations, determine where we are now, and options for moving forward. We reached out to the community and received an overwhelming response from them in sharing their successes and their challenges. As we continue to go through the exercise of analyzing the responses and putting together our strategy, we can’t help but think how lucky we are to have this incredible resource.
Here are some recommendations we’d make when considering connecting with the community about Salesforce:
When you receive a message that someone is following you, use it as an opportunity to reach out. Follow them and introduce yourself. The more people who follow this model the better it is for the community.
We are all figuring out how to best leverage Salesforce. Any relevant piece of information that you can use in a response to a question helps. Not everything is perfect, sharing your challenges is a way for someone else to take your lessons learned and incorporate them into their journey.
When the prospect of co-hosting the 2015 Higher Ed Summit was presented to us, our immediate answer was: “Of course!” We view this decision to co-host as our opportunity to give back to the community, who continues to help us on our journey.
The Higher Ed Summit is a full day and a half event where numerous institutions will present on issues such as recruiting, student success, community engagement and marketing, advancement, general success, and technical tracks. There will also be opportunities to connect in informal settings (round tables, reception, giving back activity).
With our summit theme of “Community Reimagined” start thinking about all the ways you can get involved in the Higher Ed community and make a difference in 2015. This is your opportunity to meet people who can change the course of your Salesforce implementation for the better!
Florence Parodi and Deborah Duran are ERP Business Analysts at the University of Miami where they are currently working on improving student recruitment across all academic careers through an enterprise Salesforce implementation.