PURE Insurance is a member-owned insurance exchange company, meaning that customers are the heart of their business model. PURE was looking for a way to differentiate itself from competitors and align business and customer interests. 

PURE's customers wanted increased transparency and a greater ability to help themselves rather than relying on PURE's agents. To meet the needs of its customers, PURE turned to Community Cloud. 

What the Book Is About

We’ve created the e-book, Why I Built My Community: PURE Insurance, to explore how PURE transformed its relationship with members using Community Cloud. By the time you’ve finished reading it, you will have a much better understanding of steps PURE took to get the community up and running, why they chose Community Cloud, and how the community works. Available today.


The Structure of the E-Book

The e-book is divided into three parts: 

Why PURE Needed Community 

As PURE continued to grow, its customers's expectations grew. They wanted more visbility into the claims process and access to important policy documents outside of PURE office hours. To address each of these requests, PURE decided to create a member portal — a community where PURE customers could get their questions answered, securely access their documents, and check in on their pending claims. 

How Community Cloud Powers PURE

Community Cloud had the capabilities, framework, and security that addressed all of PURE's needs. Community Cloud provided one central location for multiple data streams — including billing, policy administration, claims, and FAQs. Security was critical for PURE and its members, and Community Cloud — built on the trusted and secure Salesforce1 Platfrom — fit the bill. 

The PURE Community in Action 

Once up and running, the PURE member community provided unprecedented access and collaboration when a customer's house burned down. The community kept track of every single vendor that visited the home to assess damages and make repairs, payments made, and all documents the customer needed — accessible at any time, on any device.  


Get the E-Book

Click the button below to access Why I Built My Community: PURE Insurance to learn how a customer community can transform your business. 
