Did you know that people will spend $7.4 billion on Halloween costumes this year? And $350 million more on costumes for their pets?
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays—I can be anything I want to be, I can pretend, hide behind a mask and take on a new character inspired by my alter ego.
Some companies have their own version of Halloween, and the ones who hide behind a disguise are the No-Po’s. They come out on Halloween, and they are the powerless decision-makers who act as though they have power and keep you out. Learning how to distinguish the powerful from the powerless is so important, and in a Sales 2.0 world, the following trends and realities make it tougher for us to find the powerful:
With the advent of pre-call research tools, it’s easier to figure out how to contact a prospect, finding the right prospect is another matter entirely.
With so many mergers and acquisitions, more layers or management are being created but fewer people have access to budgets.
Every organization doles out titles on its own terms and you have a confusing mess. A Chief Marketing Officer one day can be a Chief Marketing Technology Officer another day. We may be chasing someone with an impressive title who has no power.
Buying influence is shifting to mega-committee. So more people are involved in the decision-making process, and it’s harder to find the ones who hold the budget.
Customers are more informed than ever. As a result, we may find ourselves engaged in long, technical discussions with people who can’t qualify the sale.
Time to take a hard look at your forecast and determine who’s hiding behind the mask. Happy Halloween!
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