I'm a big will.i.am fan and have been for over 15 years — especially when he was in the Black Eyed Peas. He is a huge force of talent that doesn't stop: singer/songwriter, composer, record producer, disc jockey, voice actor, entrepreneur, businessperson, fashionista, dancer, rapper, philanthropist, and a tech genius.
That explains why his BFF, Salesforce Chairman and CEO Marc Benioff, invited him to make a huge announcement at Dreamforce '14 to unveil the smart "cuff" he calls The PULS (#iamPULS). This wearable wristband tells time and makes calls, but "It's not a watch nor a phone." It's a lot more than that. BTW, wearable technologies are expected to grow — by 2025, wearables will change everything from how we shop to how we raise our kids.
I was awestruck watching will.i.am take the Dreamforce stage by storm with lots of emotion and drama. Like Steve Jobs, will.i.am is a true performer whose brilliance inspires others to take action and follow his lead. He is my superhero.
As we build our sales teams we need to look for superhero qualities. Here are 15 of my top 25 superhero qualities list that will.i.am embodies.
His capacity to understand everything so deeply, from music to fashion to technology, makes him capable of reinventing it all.
His writing has style and is loaded with creativity, while being succinct and very hip: "i.am, i.can, i.will"
He does all this and speaks with a musical cadence.
His subtle and simple way of being persuasive just oozes coolness. We all want to be in will.i.am's camp.
He has already announced that his PULS will be more affordable and cost less than a smartphone.
Whether it's technology, music, comedy, or fashion, he turns his full focus on it.
He has the tenacity to stick with something and lead. Here's my favorite quote: "There are leaders and there are followers. Followers follow leaders and leaders follow their heart. "
He grew up living in low-income housing — a.k.a. the projects in Boyle Heights — and was bussed to school each day. He knows what it's like to go without and feel alone.
From fashionistas to musicians to telecom giants to publishing gurus to high tech masterminds, will.i.am invited them all up on the stage to share in how they partner together.
He's not perfect (yet) — he introduced us to his personal trainer and mentioned how he was working toward tighter abs.
It was only weeks ago that Apple unveiled its watch, and here comes this rapper who decides to compete in the gigantic and exploding wearable art high tech space.
He got emotional when he thanked his design and development team.
Did you know that he has 12.5 million Twitter followers?
When it comes to wearable technology, he knows people habits, how they think, and even the emotions they feel, which is why he partnered with @Humin to scan emotions.
Good marketers understand good timing. The PULS will be sold this holiday season through a variety of channels, including physical AT&T stores, fashion stores, and online sites.
Josiane Feigon is the CEO of TeleSmart, a provider of inside sales training and coaching. She has trained 20-thousand-plus salespeople and still counting. Consistently recognized among The Top 25 Most Influential Inside Sales Professionals, Feigon is one of the world’s leading experts on inside sales team and management talent. She is also a #1 Rated Inside Sales Training Bestselling author, speaker, and sales futurist. Follow her on Twitter, connect on LinkedIn, and join the conversation on Inside Sales 2.0 Trends Talk LinkedIn Group. If you want epic inside sales training for teams and managers, contact TeleSmart.
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