Screen Shot 2014-03-28 at 1.42.37 PMConnected devices can offer brands exciting ways to distinguish their products and services by proactively engaging with customers, delivering a higher level of satisfaction and ultimately driving deeper brand affinity.

In this Internet of Customers video series, we examine how Salesforce1 can help building management organizations leverage Arduino devices to proactively monitor and manage various units. Using native workflow and mobile capabilities, the data collected from the Arduino becomes immediately actionable. Additionally, we have created a custom Visualforce Page that actively updates via web sockets, connecting to a Node.js application running in Heroku that reads the temperate data from sensors and connects to Salesforce via REST APIs via the nforce library. 

 Get the code for this technology at

About the author

6a00e54ee3905b883301a5119024ed970c-120wiJohn Brunswick is a Platform Architect at He is passionate about delivering business value through the innovative use of technology, connected devices and creative customer engagement.




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