Each business has a unique company culture to call its own. Oftentimes, a company’s culture can be found by simply looking around the office. How do your employees interact with one another? How do they speak to customers? What is the approach they take on tackling a task? It’s this kind of culture that makes up the day-to-day of a business, but how do you establish one when your business is just starting to take off? Here are a few of my biggest tips for how start-ups and entrepreneurs alike can start off on the right foot to creating a strong company culture from the ground up.

Celebrate hard work

Let your employees know hard work is greatly appreciated from the get-go so they understand that all of their efforts aren’t going unappreciated. Reward employees with seasonal parties and weekly treats (we have “bagel Friday” breakfasts at MyCorp) to show that hard work calls for celebration. You can also shine the spotlight individually by sending out a weekly email update of what‘s going on in your company and highlighting something great each team has accomplished. Bold the name of the person highlighted to further make them stand out and feel special.

Put an emphasis on customer service

I truly believe that nothing separates a business from its competitors more than by providing the best possible customer service in a specific industry. If you create genuine relationships with your customers and go above and beyond for them, your customers will return to you time and time again. Plus, you’ll also get the best referrals and word of mouth will spread quickly about your company. Remind your team often that by providing the very best customer service possible you are also contributing to the company’s growth, which benefits everyone in the long run.

Be an understanding boss

When it comes to time off from work, take one request at a time. If the employee has an outstanding track record of getting everything they need to accomplish done before leaving, let them have the time off. It’s important to understand that sometimes life gets in the way –recitals, soccer games, dental appointments, and tending to sick family members. An employee culture will be more comfortable and relaxed overall when people aren’t afraid to ask for time off.

Participate in team building exercises

I know the phrase “team building exercises” has the potential to elicit some groans, but they don’t have to. Mix it up and get creative in how you put these exercises together. For example, instead going around in a circle and having employees name one other person in the room and what they do well, you could participate in community activities like cleaning up a park or volunteering at a homeless shelter. With these exercises, you’re learning and growing as a team, as well as introducing your business to the community!


Sweeney-deborahDeborah Sweeney is the CEO of MyCorporation.com. MyCorporation is a leader in online legal filing services for entrepreneurs and businesses, providing start-up bundles that include corporation and LLC formation, registered agent, DBA, and trademark & copyright filing services. MyCorporation does all the work, making the business formation and maintenance quick and painless, so business owners can focus on what they do best. Follow her on Google+ and on Twitter @deborahsweeney and @mycorporation.


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