"Before purchasing a cruise, we might picture ourselves laying on a beautiful beach."

You've heard it before. "Customers don't buy features, they buy benefits."

But Mark Hunter, The Sales Hunter, will tell you different. Great selling is not about features or benefits. It's about outcomes. If you're having to explain the value of what you offer to your prospect, you can do so by talking to them about the outcomes that your product or service provides. 

Mark explains in this two minute video.

Here's my take on this:

In some cases, your customers have already visualized an outcome in their mind.  As the salesperson, you need to identify that outcome. For instance:

  • Before purchasing a luxury cruise, we might picture ourselves laying on a beautiful beach 
  • Before buying life insurance, we might imagine a financially secure life for our children and spouse after we have passed away.
  • Before buying CRM software, we might picture a glorious meeting with the CEO of the company where we marvel over the sales numbers.

Take Mark Hunter's advice, jot down the top 10 outcomes that your product or service provides and keep it handy for your next sales call. 

