sales greatness
Lead singer of White Denim, James Petralli
Have you ever gone to see a musician, speaker, or performance and walked away asking yourself "how do I get whatever they have?" They are living into their greatness and don't need anyone else to believe them or to buy into what they are offering the world. They have so much confidence because they know what they are doing in that exact moment. It is what they were born to do.

A couple of weekends ago I went to my favorite event of the year called High Sierra Music Festival. Each year around 10,000 people travel to a little town in California called Quincy for a weekend full of community, the great outdoors, and amazing music.

On Friday night of the festival, I went to see a band called White Denim. White Denim is a four-piece rock outfit from Austin, TX and these guys absolutely killed it. The lead singer, James Petralli, was on a mission, and his mission was greatness. He needed no one's approval or validation. He was a man possessed up there on stage, almost like a preacher, and his message was heard loud and clear by everyone in that audience. It was the most powerful musical moment that I experienced that weekend and I walked away with my mind blown and feeling incredibly inspired. My friends and I had a lengthy conversation after their set around the question, "how can people live their life from that place of greatness?" 

So what are the attibutes that define good from great? What separates a band like White Denim from so many of the other bands at the festival that weekend? What separates a money-making job from a passionate career? What is the secret sauce that certain entrepreneurs possess that others don't? After thinking about this quite a bit, here are five keys that will help you live into your greatness:

1) Discover your purpose 

Why are you here on this planet? For some it might be to make amazing music, for others it might be to start an industry-changing or world-changing company, and who knows, for others it might even be to simply grow the best carrots in the world. I believe the great ones become great because they realized what they were meant to do, not based on how much money they could make doing it, but based on how connected it made them feel to what it is they were doing. Sometimes it takes trying a few things first to realize what your destined purpose might be. Once you discover what it is, that's when the work begins, and depending on what it is you want to exude greatness in, it might take a great deal of work.

2) Pick your spot

Breaking through and starting a revolution sometimes takes a little syncronicity and being in the right place at the right time. Being aware of your surroundings and picking the best spot to start your march towards greatness are attributes that most great leaders do well. Finding that perfect time isn't always needed though as the great ones will find a way to just get it done.

3) Learn from the best

If you are going to take on changing the world, then study and emulate those who have changed the world. Read books about those who inspire you, google their stories, and set your path accordingly. Two great books I'd recommend that go into great detail about what it takes to become great and how to start a revolution are "Outliers" and "Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell.

4) Believe, believe, believe 

We live in a world where people are stuck in many status quos. Shifting a paradigm and creating lasting change seems impossible for some, but those who know it's actually very possible are the ones who succeed. Fear can be the greatest barrier to finding your greatness and often times it just takes making that first leap to get on your way. Also courage is essential in staying true to your mission. How many times do you think MLK Jr. or Michael Jordan were met with major obstacles? Most people do not know that MJ was cut from his high school baseketball team and gaining equal rights for all is no walk in the park. If something is worth doing, then self-belief and perservernce must be present. Another revolutionary leader, Mahatma Gandhi, literally was beaten as he stood for nonviolence resistance. Get in the practice of thanking your doubters.

5) Don't sell, live 

There is a fine line between selling someone on your message and living into it. The goal is to inspire those around you to want to learn more or hop onboard, not to explain why what you're doing is important. In the nonprofit world, inspiring people to get behind your mission is more effective than selling them on your mission. When you know you are onto something, if you just live your message and fully stand behind your purpose, people will eventually take notice. Be vulnerable and authentic. 85% of people buy on emotions, so don't be afraid to create an emotional connection with whomever it is you encounter.

Well that's it folks! Just find your passion, don't take "no" for an answer, live and breathe your purpose and you'll be on your way. Good luck!

Image source: openeye
