In today's fast-paced world, anyone involved in growing a business will need to use voicemail to reach out to a prospect. Do your voicemails inspire a call back or a quick delete? Master the art of the voicemail such as the ideal length, tone, and format.

When used correctly, these small improvements will result in what every salesperson desires: a call back from a prospect curious to learn more.

What makes the perfect voicemail? Use this guide to ensure a call back.

1. Use a script

Refer to a script or basic guide to consistently deliver the same message. A good voicemail script should be no longer than two paragraphs.

2. Emphasis

Perfect the right tone to maximize the short amount of time you have in a voicemail. Mimic the tone you would use when you need a friend to call you back.

3. Reason for the call

Ask for the sale, meeting, or result you are looking for to qualify your lead and move them along in your sales pipeline. Avoid sounding canned or nervous when stating the purpose of your call.

4. Reference customers

Know enough about your prospect to know their industry and reference relevant customer names in your voicemail. Create a document matching customers names to industry for easy reference.

5. Ask for a call back

You can’t get a meeting if they don’t call you back, so don’t overlook this basic element. “[NAME] could you give me a call back? My number again is [NUMBER].” It doesn’t get more direct than that, and it works!

6. Repeat important elements

State your name and phone number at both the beginning and end of the call. Listen to practice recordings of your script and ask yourself if you would call this person back.

7. Time your outreach efforts

Give your prospect enough time to hear your message and call you back. Let them know when you plan to try again to reach them.

8. Measure success

Track the number of callbacks to determine if voicemail is worth the effort. Log an activity with a standard label whenever a prospect returns a call.


Sales Follow-up: How to Leave the Perfect Voice Mail from Salesforce