We’ve all heard it before: time IS money. And, for small and midsize businesses especially, time is perhaps the single most valuable asset in your arsenal.

With limited time and resources, what can you do to improve your sales productivity? Since we’re stuck with 24 hours to a day (thanks Egyptians!), one answer is cutting out time from manual processes that keep you from connecting to your customers and growing.

That’s where a CRM app comes in. A CRM can help simplify your sales processes and even automate key pieces of them, so you improve productivity and increase your sales. With the right solution in place, you can grow sales by 27%.

Small businesses grow faster by getting better at:

  • Providing a steady flow of new prospects
  • increasing the time spent selling, and
  • arming their sales reps with information to close the deal more quickly

Net net: the more effectively and efficiently you use your time, the better results to your bottom line. We put together an infographic highlighting the areas to consider when simplifying your sales process, and how to increase productivity in sales:

Click to see full infographic Improve-small-business-salesClick to see full infographic

SMB Marketing