
In business today, it is not unusual for teams to be forming, storming and norming, sometimes all at the same time. How do you get a new team performing at their best, quickly? 

When my team at recently faced this challenge, we decided to crowdsource our ideal team behaviors. We spent the first 30 minutes of our first team meeting asking ourselves, what will help us achieve superhero status? The result: a list of five unique ways to win as a team, contributed by each team member and based on our own personal lessons of success. Check them out below:

1. Think bigger

“Think bigger means that we need big hits to make an impact. Big hits require big names or big ideas. The recent Tony Robbins webinar is an example of a big hit that drove registration and traffic. Tony Robbins is a big draw for an event, but when he shares subsequent content to his network, that drives more traffic.” - Jeff Cohen, @jeffreylcohen

2. Be single-minded

“Being single-minded is first deciding what one thing or project you'd focus on if your job depended on it. Now take 100% of your focus and apply it to that project. Do things fast, have fun, inspire people, ask for specifics, meet in person whenever possible, empower others, avoid complication whenever possible and do whatever is necessary to make it happen!” - Nathan Freitas @natespeak

3. Be your own case study

“Build your team's plans and strategies knowing that they may be blueprints for other teams to follow inside and outside your company. By thinking about sharing your learnings with an external audience as you go, you will raise the quality of your efforts and be transparent every step of the way. In the end you will have a great story to tell.” – Jennifer Burnham, @jennydburnham

4. Don’t cancel your haircut

“We've all had situations where we have to cancel activities in our personal lives, like sacrificing a much needed haircut. There are times when these situations can't be avoided. But letting work rule your life is a one-way ticket to being overcommitted and eventual burned out. The most successful teams are made up of professionals who are as passionate about delivering flawless work products as they are about living full and productive lives outside of work.” - Victor Haseman @vhaseman

5. Trust each other

“A team without mutual trust is simply a collection of individuals in the same room. Create a team culture where you have each other’s backs even when you are not in the same room. If you can do so, you’ll be able to take on the biggest challenges.” – Jennifer Burnham, @jennydburnham

Do you have ways of operating that work for your team? Share them with us below in the comments and check out the free ebook below for better performance from your sales teams.
