At a time when the unexplainable is happening and when emotions are high, it's hard to know how to comfort your customers and employees. In the wake of the Boston marathon tragedy, clicking the Facebook like button could not be further from what I want to express. A number of business leaders have reacted to this week's terrible events and as usual, some have faired far better than others.


This week, HubSpot's Laura Fitton took to the web to mourn, let friends know she was safe, and raise money for local Boston charities via Technology Underwriting for Greater Good (TUGG).

The Boston native and founder of one forty marketplace also encouraged her 122,911 Twitter followers to "put a Boston heart on their Twitter profiles" in support for the city she calls home. As Twitter users share 6 different images, their profile sidebars populate to form a heart around the cityscape of Boston. At a time when so many are mourning, these simple profile modifications are an easy way to signify solidarity with those affected.

As the Inbound Marketing Evangelist at HubSpot and as an all-around decent human being, Fitton knows how to communicate with warmth -- even in the toughest of times. Unfortunately, it's clear that a few brandjackers at companies are missing that warmth and are willing to cross ethical lines. If there's anything this tragedy can teach us, it's that some companies capitalize on the tragic and some are simply more thoughtful. Because we've all got different customers, there is no all-encompassing playbook here. For those companies that care, it's a matter of figuring out how to support our customers and employees while still remaining respectful, useful and trustworthy. 

For those of you in Boston (Laura Fitton included), stay strong. For those of you with Boston-based customers -- keep delivering on your brand promises and above all, keep it classy.