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A giant gap exists in most organizations between the highest performing sales reps and everyone else. How is it possible that in the same environment and under the same conditions, some reps achieve outstanding results while others struggle to just make their quota?

The answer depends on the most critical role in any sales organization: the sales manager. On average, one sales manager impacts the success of 10 or more reps.

But instead of devoting time to coaching their teams to higher performance, managers spend their days distracted by the 14 meetings, 500 emails and 200 phone calls they handle in an average week.

As a result, a disconnect exists between what sales managers think their reps want and the reality of what reps need to be successful.

In the 5 Steps to Better Sales Performance eBook, we reveal the proven methods the best sales managers rely on to close the sales performance gap between average performers and all-stars.

The is a brief outline of the 5 steps:

  1. Be a Coach, Not a Manager: Coaching will help you boost the performance of your all-stars, motivate average performers to reach the next tier, and elevate lower performers.
  2. Set Daily Goals and Track Progress Against Them: Holding others accountable is on of the core skills consistent among top sales leaders.
  3. Motivate the Middle: Sales Managers who focus exclusively on top performers – or the poor performers – are far less likely to be successful.
  4. Focus on People, Not Process: 75% of sales leaders believe their managers spend too much time on administration and logistics that don’t add value to the business.
  5. The Best Feedback is Served Fresh: Performance feedback gets stale quickly. Left unaddressed, minor issues quickly spiral into major ones.