For the Salesforce Spring ’13 release, the Salesforce Documentation and User Assistance team has improved the Salesforce Help site to better support the way you work.
The online help site gives you the information you need to be successful; view help topics for whatever Salesforce application or feature you’re working on, get answers to your questions, and download tip sheets and users guides.
Reorganized Help Topics
The online help topics have been consolidated into feature area groups that support a specific user goal, so it’s easier to find the information you need. Previously, an administrator looking for information on setting up Salesforce would find it among a long and varied list of topics. With Spring ’13, this information is consolidated in one area, so it’s significantly easier to browse. For example, if you’re a new user you can view the section called Learn Salesforce Basics, which introduces Salesforce and common tasks you’ll perform. Or, if you’re an administrator responsible for setting up your organization, you can view the section called Set Up and Maintain Your Salesforce Organization, to get up and running.
No matter what your role, or what you’re trying to do, there’s help for you:
- Salesforce Users
- Administrators
- Sales Professionals
- Support Agents
- Support Administrators
- Collaboration Tools Users
- Collaboration Tools Administrators
- Data Analyzers
- Point & Click Administrators
- Enhance Salesforce with Code Introductions
- Package and Distribute Your Apps
- Salesforce Limits
New Downloadable PDFs

There are thirteen new guides that each correspond to a section of help based on role, product area, and experience level. You can access them right from your computer and download them. Whether you’re a user, administrator, or developer, there’s a guide that will help you do everything from learn basics to packaging and distributing your apps:
Get Started
- Learn Salesforce Basics
- Set Up and Maintain Your Organization
- Analyze Your Data
Use Salesforce Sales and Marketing
- Sell to Your Customers
- Set Up and Maintain Sales Tools
Service and Support
- Support Your Customers
- Set Up and Maintain Customer Support Tools
- Collaborate with Everyone
- Set Up and Maintain Collaboration Tools
Enhance your organization’s capabilities
- Enhance Salesforce with Point and Click Tools
- Enhance Salesforce with Code
- Package and Distribute Your Apps
- Limits
See them all in the
Salesforce help.
The comprehensive User Guide, which contains all of our online help topics, is still available and also reflects the new online help topic organization. But the new guides are specific, shorter, and smaller which makes them easier to download, search, and print.
Stay tuned for our next post on how to create customized learning paths with these guides by compiling the ones you want into larger PDFs, such as one for new users that includes both Salesforce Basics and the Collaborate with Everyone.