One of the great advantages of Salesforce is its awesome community. There are so many avid users out there eager to share their enthusiasm and knowledge of the product. In fact, odds are you were probably directed to this very blog post by someone in that community.

To make life easier for you, we have complied a list of our favorite places where you can find great resources at no cost (yes, FREE) or start contributing yourself:

Salesforce-hosted Communities
Salesforce Answers – Connect with thousands of passionate users and get answers to your burning questions. Customers, partners, product specialists, and employees are there  to share their best practice insight and lessons learned.

  • Ideas – The IdeaExchange lets customers get involved. You can suggest new enhancements, vote and comment on your favorites, and interact with product managers and other customers. Salesforce reviews these ideas and sometimes develops solutions based on them. Watch for members of the community promoting their favorite ideas on Facebook or Twitter!
  • DeveloperForce Boards - These forums hosted by Salesforce are an excellent place to get your development related questions answered.
  • Salesforce Stack Exchange - This new site has rapidly been gaining momentum with a great question and answer format. Developers and admins can use this site to ask questions or help others.

Social Networks
  • Twitter  - One of our favorites for interesting discussions. You should check out community hashtags like #askforce and follow lists including Salesforce MVPs on Twitter.
  • Facebook – Join to learn about new features, tips, news, and provide feedback.
  • Google+ - Circle other Salesforce enthusiasts.

Join a User Group
The Salesforce user groups are a great place to connect with other customers in your area, networks, share ideas, learn from each other, and get tips to make you more successful. User groups are run by customers- for customers, and they’re FREE. What are you waiting for? Join today!

The Nonprofit Salesforce Community
The Salesforce nonprofit community is active and vibrant! Here are a few specific community resources:
This post was written by Tal Frankfurt and Daniel Hoechst, both Salesforce MVPs.