Salesforce Wizard Hat
Tweets of the Week is a blog post series highlighting our amazing online community. Our goal is to share the best tips, show you the topics the community was discussing this week, and introduce you to new community members you should be following.

Lots of good stuff on the AppExchange, check it out for yourself!

All the toys delievered. Check! 

Congrats Dan, and a great article on how the city of Elgin, IL used Chatter. 

Sweet setup you got there Kevin. Hope you enjoyed the snow some too! 

Our thoughts exactly.


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Chatty got to take a Virgin America flight this week, awesome! 

What's it up to now Brian? Make sure to stay dry and warm out there folks!

We're always listening, here to chat, and able to provide great resources so make sure to join the conversation @salesforceWishing you & your family the happiest of holiday seasons!