Dreamforce is one of our biggest opportunities to showcase the passion of the salesforce.com online community. Whether this is your first Dreamforce or your 10th, here are some  community activities you don’t want to miss!

Community Kickoff Keynote
Tuesday September 18th
9am-10am at the Marriott Yerba Buena

There’s no better way to kick off Dreamforce than with 1000+ of your closest community pals.  You’ll put faces to the names you’ve grown to know and love on our social channels, get a behind the scenes look at how we manage the community, as well as hear from some Salesforce experts how to best tap into the power of the community.

This 1,200 person event sold out in the first week the Agenda Builder went live...talk about the power of the Community! If you reserved a seat, be sure to get there early. For those who were not able to reserve a spot, we’ll be filling empty seats just before our 9am start. We’ll also be posting the keynote to YouTube and SlideShare in the weeks following Dreamforce.

Community-led sessions

Over the course of the week there will be 23 sessions led by our beloved MVPs and other top community members. Register for these sessions while there is still room - they are selling out fast! These topics ideas came straight from your suggestions and tackle hot topics like Admin tips, data quality, and release management.  You’ll also pick up helpful community resources. And if you need a break from all the serious sessions…sign up for the Comedy of Clouds session – a satire/stand-up comedy about the life of the admin.  Check out the full listing of community-led sessions here.

Tip: Be sure to introduce yourself to the presenters after the session because our MVPs are well-connected, super knowledgeable and can offer great advice.  You can even keep the conversation going at the Community Lounge.  

Community Lounge

Marriott Marquis, Atrium (up the escalators)

CommunityThis is the hang out area for you — the community members. Come and network with fellow salesforce.com users, share best practices, vet ideas or just relax and recharge. The lounge is open starting at 11:00am Tuesday - Friday and will be hosted by the community MVPs so make sure you drop by to say hi and make time to pick their incredible brains. They will be happy to answer tough questions, participate in roundtable discussions or just show you how to get more involved with our community.  

Daily at 2pm we’ll also have presentations on hot community topics. If there’s a session you missed by an MVP, I bet we could even convince them to run it again in the lounge.  Didn’t get to finish a conversation with a session presenter...well take it to the lounge to finish!  

Wait there’s more...back by popular demand we will also have a photographer snapping photos for your social profiles.  Always wanted a professional photo on your Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook profile?  Well the Community Lounge will give you that chance!  And to top it off, join us for a happy hour from 5-7pm on Tuesday, September 18 to kick off the conference in style.  We’ll be raffling off somegreat prizes  for the community, so mark your calendars and come join us for a drink!