With over 750 breakout sessions it's hard to know which ones to attend. Thankfully... there's an appfor that! The Dreamforce app, which you have access to with your registration login, not only enables you to network with other attendees or look for sessions, but also build a schedule that you can pull up at the conference on any mobile device.

You can filter sessions by track, but there isn't a filter for app building sessions. What sessions are geared to empower the app builder, you ask? I have looked through various tracks to comprise a list of sessions designed to boost your app building skills. Check it out below!

Point-and-Click App Building:
(No Code Required)

If you're looking for sessions on app building but want to stick to codeless tools, there are several sessions geared towards point-and-click app development. On Force.com you can make dynamic and powerful apps without writing any code, and its important to know the tools available in order to get the most out of the platform. 

Big Picture

Understand Force.com in 60 minutes or Less (Tu 11am - 12pm): Have questions about how can maximize your use of Force.com? This jumpstart session give you an overview the platform and pave the way to get started building your first cloud app.

Building Business Apps: Coding Optional (Tu 1pm - 2pm): Watch the app building process, from building out your data model to implementing business logic, using purely point-and-click tools. In less than an hour, you'll not only see the app come to life from scratch, but also learn about all the whys and hows along the way.

Five Developer Tips Every Admin Needs To Know (Th 1:30pm - 2:30pm): Check out this session to learn 5 tools and techniques you can take back to the office and put into practice immediately.

Cloud Tool Deep Dive

Become a Formula Ninja (Tu 12:15pm - 1:15pm): Want to learn from the best in the community? Come learn tips and tricks from MVPs and leave with both know-how and formulas you can take home and put to use.

Visual Workflow Overview (Tu 3:30pm - 4:30pm): Visual Workflow is a powerful tool for creating wizards, "smart" forms, surveys, and more. Come learn more about the tool and see a flow built from scratch to create a dynamic wizard in less than an hour without a single line of code.

Workbench: The API Swiss Army Knife (Tu 5:30pm - 6:00pm): Did you know you could manage your org completely from a single tool within the web browser? Insert, update, and delete records... Build and run queries... If you don't know about this tool, you don't want to miss this session. 

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Lightweight Development:
(Dip Your Toes into Some Code)

If you feel like you are ready to try out some code and learn basics, these sessions are geared to get you started off on the right foot. These sessions will cover the fundamentals of some programmatic tools in a format geared for app builders with non-development backgrounds.

Introduction to Apex Triggers (Wed 12pm - 1pm): Come learn how to solve complex business problems that extend the functionality of point-and-click. This session will set the foundation for coding your first trigger and share some best practices for how to build them effectively.

Clicks to Code for Dummies (Tu 5:30pm - 6pm): If you're looking to expand your skill set and add Visualforce and Apex to your toolbelt, this is the session for you. No coding experience necessary.

Clicks to Code for Smarties (Thu 12:30pm - 1pm): Have you written a little Visualforce or pieced together a simple trigger but you're ready to move to the next level? Check out this session to get a deeper dive on the concepts you need to succeed. 

Hands on + with Experts = LIKE

In addition to planning out your breakout session lineup, there will be more hands on possibilities than any Dreamforce yet. Come ready to roll up your sleeves and play with some new technologies!

In the breakout computer labs there will be several Hands-On Training  sessions that will allow you to go through exercises on specific topics with experts in the room to answer any questions. There will also be an area in the DevZone to do mini-workshops with a format similar to Hands-On Training. Both require you to sign up for a spot in advance in Agenda Builder.

Screen shot 2012-08-23 at 11.36.02 AMIn Moscone West on the 2nd floor, the DevZone will be full of stations to walk through workbooks, play with different products, and talk with experts about what these different technologies are and how to leverage them.

In the campground there is a walkup consultation area called "Ask an Expert" where platform experts will be able to help you with specific questions about building applications within your org. 


There is a lot to see and do...Plan ahead so you get the most out of the conference!

See you at Dreamforce!!