At Salesforce, we use the word Dreamforce every day.  

No joke. Every day.

We love it.  We wait for it all year long.  If we could make it a national holiday – we would.  Ok - slight exaggeration.  But, seriously it’s a big deal.

And as you sit in the confines of your cubicle, you think to yourself…

What’s all the fuss about? Why would I want to go to that? What’s in it for me? Dreamforce sounds like a fancy word for ‘business conference’.  Been there, done that, wore the lanyard.

Not so fast, my friend. Yes, it is a conference about cloud computing, CRM, and the Social Enterprise - but not the kind of conference you’re thinking of.

Allow me to paint you a picture…

Does this sound like the last conference you went to?

You wake up at the crack of dawn in a city that’s about as exciting as a drive-in car wash. You put on your khaki pants, catch up on email, and unplug your phone from the charger at the very last minute so you have enough battery life to finally beat that ridiculously hard level of Angry Birds.

You stroll down the street, taking your time so that when you arrive you can conveniently sit in   the back row. No one will notice when I catch some Z’s and slip out for an early lunch. You’re so smart.

Walk in, print your badge, grab a free orange juice, and head to the keynote room. Yawn.

You watch the keynote and attend some random sessions. The voice inside your head dominates your attention. What are they talking about? Does my boss hate me? I should have brought my iPad. I’m hungry…

Ring any bells?

How about this instead…

Wake up in San Francisco. (Yeah. Enough said.)

Don’t worry about your phone charger. We’ve got charging stations.

You walk down the street. Are you running? Yes. A close seat would be AMAZING.

Walk through the door. Whoa. Am I at a party?  Something like that.  It’s called Dreamforce and we’ve got a D.J. spinning your favorite tunes everywhere you turn.

Grab your badge, some delicious grub, and head to the keynote. The energy is amazing; the music is playing and me and Chatty the mascots are dancing.

Marc Benioff comes onstage – and you wonder why you waited so long. Richard Branson is here? And Tony Robbins? GENERAL COLIN POWELL??  Yeah. Stick with us. We know people.

You head to the Breakout Sessions. (We’ve got 650 of them, to be exact.) Sales.  Service. Developer. Marketing.  Social.  Admin.  IT.  We talk about it all. 

My boss is going to think I’m the smartest person alive.  No.  They’re going to know you’re the smartest person alive.

Now it’s time for the Global Gala.  Red Hot Chili Peppers!? 

See, I told you we’ve got connections. Greatest business conference ever? Duh.

This goes on for four days.  Count it.  Four.

Dreamforce isn’t just another business conference. It’s THE business and Social Enterprise event of the year.  And it all starts on September 18th.

Leave your preconceived notions behind. Forget about the past.  It’s over. Let’s focus on the future. Together.  It’s ok, your initial pessimism is forgiven.

Don’t waste another second. You’ll even get the special early-bird price if you register before June 28. Talk about amazing.