
Just a few years ago, a section of an aisle in most supermarkets was devoted to cereal. Today, a trip to the 50-foot long cereal aisle is a shock and awe experience—a baffling maze of choices. At the end of the maze you may feel a bit disoriented, with three boxes of cereal and the unsettling feeling that you’ve made poor cereal-purchase decisions.

The average consumer used 10 sources of information to make a buying decision in 2011, twice the sources in 2010.  We’re drowning in information.

But we’ve learned a workaround. You can take comfort in the fact that it’s easier than ever to make an informed decision, as a consumer, about the best option for a purchase. And you don’t have to make that decision standing in the cereal aisle after a long workday.

It All Begins with Search. How did Search become so important to the customer journey? (Read more at Desk.com)