Did you know you can search Chatter feeds by clicking on Chatter Updates at the top left of the search results page?


The Chatter Updates search results display posts and comments made by everyone at your company that include your search terms. You can sort, comment on, like, delete, hover over, and click items to view them in more detail just as you do with any Chatter feed.

Chatter Updates search is useful when you want to:
  • Locate a particular Chatter post you once saw in your feed or in a Chatter group.
  • Find an answer to a question. Before posting your question to Chatter, try searching to see if someone else has already asked or answered the question.
  • Gather information before a sales call or meeting by seeing what people have said about a particular subject.

Chatter Updates search looks for matches in the:
  • Text of posts and comments
  • Name of the person who posted, commented, or is mentioned
  • File name
  • Origin of the Chatter post (group, person, or record name)

Include as many search terms as you can from these specific areas, and search returns the posts and comments that include all of your search terms. Add more search terms to narrow your results.

Tips for Chatter Feed Search
  • Include the names of groups and people in your search terms.

    When trying to find a particular post, if you know who posted it or is mentioned in it or the group where it was posted, type those names (for example, susan @Madison marketing) and any other keywords in the header search box.
  • Use hashtags (#) in your feed so it’s easier to find items later.

    Clicking hashtags or typing a hashtag in the header search box takes you directly to the Chatter Updates results page. If there is a running theme in your thread, add a hashtag so it’s easier to retrieve later. For example, if you share a link to this blog article in Chatter with your coworkers, you can add a #SalesforceSearchTips hashtag. In the future when there are more blog articles related to Salesforce search, you can post links with the same hashtag, so you and your coworkers can easily search for all the posts that have #SalesforceSearchTips.
  • Save searches that you use frequently with Chatter favorites.



For example, if you search for acme sales on a regular basis to track information about your customer Acme, you might want to add acme sales as a favorite. Favorites give you easy access to these updates without leaving the Chatter tab.

If you find this useful, spread the word by sharing the link to this blog on your Chatter feed. Stay tuned for more search tips in the future!