From beacon marketing to augmented and virtual reality, there has never been a more exciting time to be in marketing. Technology has opened up a fire hose of new possibilities for marketers to drink from. Question is, how to prioritise these new opportunities?

Mark April 12 in your diary as “The Perfect Day” to learn about how you can adapt and embrace these new trends for your business. The Salesforce World Tour hits Melbourne to guide Marketers through the mass of new trends and developments.

For me there are three important themes in play this year:

1. The “Customer Gap” is only getting bigger

The degree to which we are maximising customer data is still very small - we’ve only scratched the surface of this huge opportunity. We need technology (data science, predictive algorithms, and machine learning) to help us close this gap and start personalising the customer journey. For example, when we have the ability to automatically analyse data at scale we can predict what the customer will want next, based on our historical interactions with them. As marketers, isn’t that what we all want? There’s a breakout session on this at World Tour at 1pm called: “Predictive Journeys Across the Organisation” which looks at just that - creating personalised customer journeys across multiple channels including social and mobile.

2. Bridging the gap between marketing and advertising

Traditionally, marketing has been one-way and single channel. Taking email as an example, there has been a “spray-and-pray” mentality combined with a tendency to operate in total ignorance of other channels. Today, marketers are getting adept at integrating multiple channels - like email, SMS, Push, even phone calls, to create a seamless journey and excellent brand experience for customers across Marketing, Service and Sales. But, personalised advertising often still runs in its own silo. Imagine the power of a targeted advert integrated into the marketing journey at the right time using rich CRM data. Then imagine automating that process so that your advertising is in perfect step with your traditional marketing channels in a personalised relationship with your customers. Hear more about this in a breakout session at 1.55pm called “The Power of 1:1 Advertising”, where you can learn how some of Australia's leading marketing organisations are seeing impressive ROI thanks to successful CRM integration.

3. Is it mobile first or just mobile?

Finally, there’s the idea of whether there is one device for everything - not desktop, mobile, tablet etc. We already have the ability to stream live TV on our phones, tablets and Smart TV's. But will we only need one device in the future? For instance, in the future I'll be able to control my smart TV or my desktop at work from my mobile device; which means it really doesn't matter where your customers are or how many devices they have. Only that they are mobile and you need to be there with them on any touch points they use. Don’t miss our panel of experts as they explore this idea more deeply, along with the digital marketing trends for 2016 and beyond, in “The State of Marketing 2016” session at 2.50pm.

On top of all of this, it’s well worth catching the “10 Best Practices for B2B Marketerswith Social Selling Evangelist Jill Rowley, to hear about the current state of marketing in the age of the customer (and why this is a whole new playing field). We’re so lucky to have Jill at The World Tour, and from this session you'll walk away with ten actionable tips to help you create a B2B marketing machine that drives high ROI.

It’s also worth remembering that some of the best value from events like this is in peer networking. The World Tour is the Perfect Day to meet marketing professionals from all across the country, from businesses large and small and from every sector. The Marketing Zone has a Pool Deck (yes, I said pool) complete with ice cream - the ideal place for marketers to meet other marketers, and have an opportunity to ‘whiteboard’ new concepts with our Salesforce consultants.  

Lastly, the networking drinks at the close of the day will help you end your perfect day on a great note, with all of the new connections you have made and the insights you have gained.

Register now for World Tour Melbourne: The Perfect Day for learning how to be the best Digital Marketer you can be! Additional event guide info HERE.