I love technology. I love gadgets and I love numbers (like many marketers, I’m much nerdier than you’d think). So how am I the last person in the world to own a Fitbit? Or a Nike FuelBand. Or a Jawbone UP??

It has become the hottest topic in our office. People compare calories burned, steps per day, marathons completed and fancy charts showing progress towards their goal - all synced up with their smartphone. They become ‘friends’ through the app, and are forming little Fitbit communities around the country.

It’s a new group of consumers, of fans, of customers - but they have more in common than a shared product, they are connecting through a shared experience and lifestyle.

What I find so inspirational and interesting is how a small-medium business like Fitbit can use technology to create a big impact and a highly engaged community. Their vision was to create a wearable product that would change the way we moved, which was made possible by advances in sensors and wireless technology. And now it’s estimated that over 30 billion devices will be wirelessly connected to the Internet of Things by 2020.

So what’s the opportunity for your business? Consider the fact that behind every one of those devices, behind every app and every product is a customer. How do you easily piece together all of these interactions to get a true understanding of your customers and of your potential customers? And how can you use those insights to engage and excite them about your product or service?

Join our upcoming roadshow - in Sydney, Melbourne or Auckland - to hear how our small-medium business customers are doing exactly that. Find out more about how the cloud servies and mobile technology can transform your small-medium business.

Register online - we look forward to seeing you there. I might even have a Fitbit by then.