By 2028, 73% of all departments in a wide range of industries are expected to have remote workers. This represents a huge shift, not just for the businesses themselves, but for the property developers, sellers and managers who have the challenge of rethinking workspace.

For many organisations, now the remote working ‘toothpaste is out of the tube’, there is no going back. But as more people get vaccinated, business leaders and employees are thinking ahead to what’s next.

So how do you balance the productivity and work-life balance gains of working remotely, with the need to collaborate and be social?

The traditional office might be a dying breed. The future could well lie in collaborative office hubs and office-space-a-as-service models like WeWork and Hubble, which give businesses far greater degrees of flexibility around how their space is used day to day. 

Leaving behind rigid contracts and working arrangements, these kinds of spaces give businesses on-demand access to the spaces and services they need, when they need it - think of the new office more like a full service hotel.

Not only that, but the new ‘hybrid’ state of working demands adaptable designs and services that inspire creativity and teamwork, that reflect their culture and foster a sense of community lost during the pandemic. 

The design of communal spaces, meeting rooms and presentation areas for different types of gatherings, dynamic work areas and amenities with wellness and inclusivity in mind - these are all factors that make workers feel welcome, productive and connected to others.


Salesforce for the Property Industry

The Property industry, by definition, is a bricks-and-mortar environment, but now prospective buyers and tenants expect.

Transform around your customer and embrace the new wave of working 

In this new world of spatial development the underlying mantra is flexibility - the flexibility to understand customer needs as they evolve. 

To meet these demands, the property development industry needs to:


1. Take a joined-up approach to service design.

Connectivity to wider services, especially those that support local businesses, is an essential part of turning an office space into a community.  


2. Constantly think about how they can bring experiences that are creative and bold, and make the commute worthwhile. 

Think add-ons and perks, and brilliant ways to engage and inspire performance that will differentiate them above their peers.


3. Design spaces and services intelligently, driven by reliable data insights.

Data can help property developers build stronger relationships with users, bringing them closer to their customers.


Salesforce is ready to support the property development industry with the insights and innovation they need to jump start their transformation and stay relevant.

As key technology partners, we help them bridge the gap between old delivery models and new customer expectations. 

Our platform has customer-centricity built in. In the property development industry, this means being able to use dynamic data insights to understand and connect with customers in ways that are more personal and informed than ever thought possible, and proactively meet their needs.

They can turn office spaces and services into a rich range of experiences, and build communities of loyal clients who work better, perform better and grow.


To see how my team can support you in the property industry please read our 'Salesforce for the Property Industry' ebook or contact us for a demonstration.



Salesforce for the Property Industry

The Property industry, by definition, is a bricks-and-mortar environment, but now prospective buyers and tenants expect.