There’s never been a better time to be in sales. This is something at Salesforce we feel so passionate about. Sales is in our DNA, and was from our very beginning (hint: it's in our name). Which is why every year we try to showcase the latest and greatest solutions for sales at our annual World Tour conference in London. This year we welcomed over 11,000 delegates, all seeking to understand how to build lasting customer relationships in today's ever-changing world. 

Here is my round-up of the main highlights for all the sales professionals:


Five Trends Shaping the Future of Sales

In short, the future of sales is here - the trends and technology that we have been talking about for years, like AI, automation and many others already exist today. It's how we leverage these technologies to create real business impact. Deirdre Byrne, Regional Sales Leader at Salesforce, shared five key trends where we can expect to see major shifts.

These five trends are:

  1. Collaboration
  2. Intelligence
  3. Digital Selling
  4. New Revenue Channels
  5. Recurring Revenue


We also announced a brand new product during this session: High Velocity Sales (HVS) which is our solution for virtual selling teams. Matt Jeffries, Senior Product Marketer at Salesforce, led a demo showing how easy it is for sales teams to use HVS to identify the best leads, eliminate admin work, and boost pipeline.

Citysprint's Director of Customer Management, Rosie Bailey, spoke about how critical Sales Cloud is to their business as a 24 hour delivery courier. As an emotionally charged business, Citysprint need to please their clients and nurture those relationships. Expanding on this she shared how they manage those relationships using Sales Cloud.


B2B Sales & Marketing Alignment

B2B Marketing was a hot topic this year! More than 500 people attended the B2B Marketing breakout with our customer trailblazer Sercante to learn how Pardot helps businesses find and nurture leads, close more deals and maximise ROI. Companies of all sizes learnt how to automate their marketing activities using artificial intelligence and report back on the ROI of their campaigns.

But actually, it does not stop at Marketing. Sales teams can also leverage Pardot to stay on top of their pipeline with real time alerts that will enable them to reach customers at the right time. What's not to love? 


The Sales Accelerator Lodge

We had more content than ever thanks to a designated space we aptly named the Sales Accelerator Lodge. It was home to some amazing sessions, including a unique afternoon tea with thought leader Tiffani Bova, who had just delivered a fascinating keynote which unpacked the thinking required to drve business growth and innovation. Check out her latest book GrowthIQ which is full of truths and case studies on what sets successful businesses apart from the rest. Or watch her session below... 



So what went down at the Lodge? Our product experts presented to a standing room only audience on a host of Sales Cloud solutions, all around supercharging revenue with modern sales teams. From boosting team productivity with Quip, to building recurring revenue models with CPQ & Billing, and aligning sales & marketing with Pardot attendees walked away with insights into how they get more value out of their Salesforce implementation.


In summary

London World Tour was a fun-filled day for the entire Salesforce community and ecosystem to network and have valuable conversations around growing revenue and creating highly productive sales teams. 

Check out some of the other event learnings and customer stories in Salesforce World Tour 2019: The Highlights