Creating digital customer experiences is more important than ever following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses need to make customer experience management a top priority in the new normal

But how? 

Joolz, a Salesforce customer who won the “Stellar Customer Experience” award at the first Benelux customer awards, has the answer. 

We spoke to the Head of Global eCommerce at Joolz, Jurryt van Arend, to find out just how they did it and what the key drivers are to delivering stellar digital customer experiences. 


Business transformation in a crisis

Salesforce Live: Benelux, region’s biggest event, showcases digital innovation, local trailblazers, and much more. As part of the event, we hosted the first-ever Benelux customer awards, celebrating organisations that have completely transformed their business in times of crisis.

One of those organisations is the premium pushchair company, Joolz. Despite facing multiple challenges during the pandemic, they completely transformed their business across sales, marketing, and service. They gave expectant parents the best possible experience when buying their babies’ pushchairs. 

As a result, Joolz has seen an increase in online sales of more than 60% over the past year, across its 40 worldwide markets.

After winning the award at Salesforce Live: Benelux, Jurryt shared the essential ingredients for success and explained how Joolz delivered the seamless experience its customers demand. All while navigating the crisis. “Our mission is to empower a new generation of parents,” he said. 

Having children changes your life drastically, and we want to help parents deal with parentship, making sure the changes that come along with that can be faced as smoothly as possible.”

Jurryt van Arend

The impact of the pandemic on digital customer experiences

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in store closures and an increasing number of people looking to buy online. Since pushchairs are such an important purchase for families, they’re usually bought in-store. 

Prospective parents want to really experience the feel and design of the product. Store closures had a big impact on Joolz, so changes had to be made. The move online meant the need for deeper, more immersive digital customer experiences. 

With the help of Commerce Cloud, Joolz was able to add:

  • Rich 3D images and product descriptions to its website

  • A comparison page where consumers can directly compare the different options

  • A new service called Style it Yourself, where customers can customise their pushchairs to meet their own design requirements

The business also had to balance supporting its colleagues with supporting customers. This was achieved through a number of innovative solutions such as creating a digital workspace and partnering with a local childminding service. After all, a motivated, happy workforce is a vital element to successful customer experience management!


The keys to delivering award-winning digital customer experiences

So what does Jurryt see as the essential ingredients to delivering stellar digital customer experiences?

1. Consistent customer experience

As a business, Joolz aspires to deliver a consistent experience throughout the customer journey. “There shouldn’t be a difference between online or offline,” said Jurryt. “The experience should be coherent and cohesive”.

2. A 360-degree view of the customer

One of the keys to being able to deliver that consistent experience is understanding your customers. Having a 360-degree view of them is essential!

3. Setting the right priorities

While a business is focused on their processes and output, it’s sometimes easy to forget the customers’ priorities.  “Sometimes you’re cruising at 180km/h and you forget to ask your customer what is important,” said Jurryt, “But you need to ask them what’s important to them”.

4. The right combination of technology and people

According to Jurryt, the right mix of technology and people is the key takeaway for successful digital customer experiences. 

Salesforce enables us with the tools, and the people we have to find ourselves. That’s the golden combination in my view.”

Jurryt van Arend
Do you want to learn more about Joolz digital transformation journey? Read their full customer success story.