We all have a tendency to stretch ourselves thin. We commit to that tight deadline, to answering just “one” more email, to accepting another project — the list goes on. With technology giving us the ability to do more, faster, it’s hard to say no when simple tasks get thrown your way.

But a few minutes here and a few minutes there add up. Over time, they can wear you down to your breaking point. And anyone who has ever faced true burnout knows that the aftermath is hard on all parties involved.

“I actually collapsed, hit my head on my desk, broke my cheekbone … And that was probably the best thing that happened to me,” said Arianna Huffington, the founder of the HuffPost and CEO of Thrive Global.

Passing out from overwork doesn’t sound like the “best thing” to happen to anyone, but as you’ll learn from Huffington, it’s taught her a valuable lesson about self-care and employee wellbeing. 


Episode 3: Thrive Global CEO Arianna Huffington and Salesforce Co-CEO Marc Benioff on Trust and Wellbeing in the Workplace

In this episode, we feature a conversation between Huffington and Salesforce Co-CEO Marc Benioff at Dreamforce ‘19. In the conversation, Benioff explains how he and Salesforce support embracing wellness in the workplace, even providing meditation rooms on every floor for employees to reboot and relax. Both agree that using meditation as a way to reframe and rethink needs to be an integrated practice to be helpful — integrated into both home and work life.

Together they also discuss why trust is so vital in business, how to avoid burn out, and what micro-steps we can all take to improve our wellbeing. Huffington also shares her definition of trust and how her own run-in with burnout served as a deep wake-up call.

You can find it all right here, on episode three of Blazing Trails, made possible by WordPress VIP:


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