Here at Salesforce, the environment is a key stakeholder. That’s why each year, Salesforce works to integrate sustainability into Dreamforce by conserving resources, sourcing responsibly, reducing waste, and inspiring our attendees to do the same. Check out a recap of some of our favorite moments from last year.

Last year we held the first-ever Climate Summit at Dreamforce, and we are excited to announce that we are bringing back the Climate Summit at Dreamforce '19! Join us on Thursday, November 21, for a full-day of programming that will feature the world’s most innovative Trailblazers driving climate solutions.

Here’s how we’re bringing sustainability to life at Dreamforce ‘19 — and how you can get involved:


Take action before you arrive

  • Get involved by taking the Sustainable Future trail on Trailhead — our online learning platform — for an introduction on how business, government, and individuals can drive climate change solutions together. 
  • Mark your calendar to join us at this year’s inspiring Dreamforce Climate Summit keynotes (more details coming soon in Agenda Builder).

Reduce your footprint

  • Get involved by taking the Sustainable Future trail on Trailhead — our online learning platform — for an introduction on how business, government, and individuals can drive climate change solutions together. 
  • Mark your calendar to join us at this year’s inspiring Dreamforce Climate Summit keynotes (more details coming soon in Agenda Builder).
  • Once again, we’re going 100% beefless for the attendee lunch. By going beefless, we will conserve millions of gallons of water. 
  • Our lunch program will offer 100% compostable packaging — the container, napkin, and utensils — all you have to do is toss it in the green bin when you’re done! We also have designated “Green Angels” — helpers who will direct you to the closest bin.
  • We’ll recycle your badge and lanyard! Once the event is over, leave them in the designated bins as you exit, and we’ll make sure they get recycled. 
  • Just like last year, we’re offsetting 100% of Dreamforce’s onsite carbon emissions. You can join the movement by offsetting your travel emissions to Dreamforce through an awesome organization called Cool Effect. Salesforce has partnered with Cool Effect to offer attendees quick and wallet-friendly ways to contribute to projects around the world that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Take advantage of low-carbon transportation — hop on public transit to get around town or one of the free pedicabs to get you to your next session. 

Stay hydrated while giving back

As in past years, we will provide reusable water bottles to full conference attendees to reduce single-use plastic water bottles. However, not only are we eliminating single-use plastic water bottles altogether, but we are also allowing attendees to Fill it Forward. Each refill will get us one step closer to the completion of our Dreamforce water project. Find more details about this initiative inside your Dreamforce reusable water bottle from Cupanion

For further information and to stay up-to-date with all the sustainability-focused programs and initiatives happening during Dreamforce ‘19, be sure to join the Sustainability at Dreamforce group in the Trailblazer Community (login to check the group out)